Does BOTOX Make You Happier?

BOTOX® has become a household name for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving migraine pain, and even halting overactive sweat glands—and apparently it also has the power to make you feel happy. Yes, you read that correctly: according to a study published by the Journal of Psychiatric Research, there could be a link between mental health and BOTOX use.

How does BOTOX work?

BOTOX is an FDA approved injectable neurotoxin most commonly used for reducing fine lines and wrinkles of the face.The active toxin in BOTOX restricts communication between muscles and nerves, effectively reducing muscle movement. When used cosmetically, patients report a softer, more youthful look within just a few days. With results like this, it’s no wonder BOTOX tops the charts as the most popular non-surgical treatment year after year—but you may be surprised to learn that this popular injectable has been found to improve symptoms of depression.

Can BOTOX truly make you happier?

The study suggests that symptoms of depression are reduced after cosmetic BOTOX injections. Researchers believe that a reduction in the appearance of frown lines and crow’s feet helps break the mental association between negative emotions and certain facial expressions. For example, when we are sad or angry, we frown, typically causing furrows between the brows. However, when the glabellar lines that are triggered by frowning are removed from the equation, perception of negative emotion, and thus symptoms of depression, are lessened.

Neurotoxins are also associated with patients looking happier, and this alone can shift the way others perceive them. Not only do patients look younger and well-rested, the “angry look” is diminished, helping patients feel better about themselves.

Read more about the study’s findings here.

Considering BOTOX?

While we don’t recommend seeking a BOTOX provider to cure depression in lieu of visiting a mental health professional, we have seen the positive effects BOTOX has on patients at our Asheville plastic surgery practice. If you would like to feel great about the way you look or are wondering if an injectable neurotoxin could be an option for you, contact us today. We would be glad to help you navigate your options.

Call Dr. Conway today for your personal consultation 828.210.9333

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