Dr. Conway’s Blog

Can You Reduce Breast Size Without Surgery?

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Having ample breasts isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. In fact, having large, heavy breasts can be a literal pain for many women, causing chronic back, neck and shoulder problems or unwanted stares on a day-to-day basis. If you would like nothing more than to get smaller, lighter breasts, chances are you would love to find a way to do it without surgery. This is understandable—breast reduction surgery […]

New Study Shows How Sleep & Weight Loss Go Hand-in-Hand

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Sleep and weight are known to be closely linked: although metabolism slows down when you sleep, years of research have shown that not getting enough sleep has a negative effect on appetite regulation. According to the Sleep Foundation: “a large analysis of past studies suggests that people getting less than 6 hours of sleep at night are more likely to be diagnosed as obese.” Potential reasons for this are oxidative […]

How to Get the Most Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation If You Have a Petite Frame

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For women with a petite frame, choosing breast implants involves a few particular considerations. In order to get the natural look you want, it is key to carefully select appropriate implants. This requires both an understanding of the different breast implant styles and how to choose implants that suit your overall figure. Here are some important considerations to take into account if you have a small frame: Implant diameter Implant […]

Is Upper Blepharoplasty Worth It? Dr. Conway Answers Your Eyelid Surgery Questions

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If you are considering an eyelid lift, you likely are wondering what kind of results the procedure can offer you, and if undergoing a surgical procedure will be worth having a more refreshed eye appearance. You are wise to do your research, and, with the right plastic surgeon, will find that this procedure is one that offers a relatively easy recovery with very impressive results. Below, Dr. Donald Conway answers […]

5 Ways to Tighten Your Neck Skin & Keep It Taut

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Too often we focus our skincare routine on our face and forget about our neck (sound familiar?). However, because skin is thinner and muscles are weaker in the neck, this area is actually more vulnerable to skin aging. Various factors, such as sun exposure, may be responsible for causing your neck skin to age prematurely. But don’t panic—here are 5 actions you can take to help keep your neck skin […]

Sculpt a Masculine Physique With These Chest and Abdominal Shaping Procedures

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Most American men carry extra weight on their bodies, and even the slimmest among us tend to have a stubborn area of fat or two. Unfortunately for guys, fat accumulation is often more noticeable than it is on women, as the male body is naturally less contoured. But whether you are struggling with enlarged breasts, a protruding abdomen, or love handles, there are effective and long-lasting solutions to restore your […]

What the New Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 Mean for You

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The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) was released earlier this year, and there’s a lot to be excited about, from a personalized approach to eating that considers individual characteristics, to customized eating for different stages of life. In honor of National Nutrition Month—and because we know how important proper nutrition is when it comes to the aging process—we’re diving into what the new 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines mean for you. […]

How Can I Get the Most Natural Facelift Results? Dr. Conway Answers Your Top 6 Questions

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Facelifts are among the most popular plastic surgery procedures, but not every surgeon knows how to deliver natural-looking results. There are also misconceptions regarding what a facelift procedure actually includes, and the answer may surprise you. Asheville-based plastic surgeon Dr. Conway is here to help with answers to your top six facelift questions. 1. What does a facelift procedure actually include? The word “facelift” is popularly used as a catch-all […]

Combining Eyelid Surgery and Non-Surgical Treatments for Optimal Results

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Eyelid surgery is on the rise: according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was the third-most-performed cosmetic surgery in 2019. And while this surgery alone can help patients look significantly younger, refreshed, and more alert, its results can be further enhanced (and extended) by non-surgical treatments such as Botox, injectable fillers, laser skin treatments, and chemical peels. What are my eyelid surgery options? Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, as […]

Does it matter what brand of breast implants I choose?

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Thanks to decades of continuous research and advances in implant materials and design, today’s FDA-approved breast implants are among the safest and most well-tested medical devices on the market. But is one brand safer than another? And is there a difference in the breast augmentation results you can get from various brands of implants? If you are considering breast augmentation, it is natural to have questions like this. While learning […]

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