Neck Lift

Options to rejuvenate and refine the neck and lower face

A common complaint that men and women in Asheville have as they get older is the appearance of their neck. Sagging skin and connective tissue can cause the neck to appear unnaturally full in some individuals, and in others a bothersome skin fold may appear beneath the chin. Many of us have inherited a tendency toward submental fullness (a.k.a. a “double chin”) and are unhappy with stubborn fat in this area.


If any of these issues are effecting the way you feel about your appearance, then you might consider a neck contouring procedure. A neck lift can eliminate excess skin to reducing jowling and restore a smoother, more youthful appearance to the lower face, while neck liposuction removes excess fat to reduce fullness under the chin and create a better defined jawline.

  • Improved Contour: A neck lift enhances the contour and profile of the neck, creating a more defined and youthful neck and jawline.
  • Reduction of Sagging Skin: This procedure effectively reduces excess skin under the chin and around the neck, often referred to as “turkey neck.”
  • Elimination of Excess Fat: A neck lift can remove or reposition excess fat in the neck, contributing to a more aesthetically pleasing neck contour.
  • Tighter Neck Muscles: The procedure often includes tightening of the platysma muscles, which helps to reduce the appearance of vertical banding and sagging.
  • Long-Lasting Results: The outcomes of a neck lift are typically long-lasting, providing enduring aesthetic benefits.
  • Anesthesia: Medication used during surgery to prevent pain, either as local (numbing a specific area) or general (inducing sleep).
  • Cervicoplasty: A surgical procedure that specifically involves the removal of excess skin from the neck to improve its appearance.
  • Contour: Refers to the shape or outline of a structure; in the context of a neck lift, it’s about enhancing the neck’s and jawline’s natural curves for a more defined appearance.
  • Incision: A surgical cut made in the skin; in a neck lift, these are typically made under the chin or behind the ears to minimize visible scarring.
  • Jawline: The lower outline of the jaw; a neck lift can enhance the definition of the jawline by removing excess skin and fat in the neck area.
  • Jowls: Sagging skin around the lower jawline, often addressed in neck lift procedures for a more defined jawline.
  • Liposuction: A technique used in neck lifts to remove excess fat from the neck area, helping to contour and redefine the neck’s shape.
  • Local Anesthesia: A type of anesthesia that numbs only a small, specific area of the body; often used in minor surgical procedures
  • Neck Bands: Vertical bands in the neck, often caused by the loosening of the platysma muscle, which can be tightened during a neck lift.
  • Platysmaplasty: A surgical procedure that involves altering the platysma muscles to address neck banding and sagging.
  • Recovery Time: The period post-surgery during which the patient heals and experiences swelling and bruising, with specific care instructions to ensure optimal healing.
  • Submental Area: The area under the chin, often a focus in neck lift procedures to reduce fat and sagging skin.
  • Submentoplasty: A less invasive surgical procedure focusing specifically on the submental area (under the chin), often involving liposuction and muscle tightening to improve the neck’s contour.
  • Turkey Neck: A colloquial term for sagging skin in the neck area, resembling a turkey’s wattle, commonly corrected with a neck lift.

What can neck contouring help to improve?

A neck lift or neck liposuction procedure can take years off your appearance or even make it look as though you have lost weight. After a neck lift, you may better enjoy wearing clothing that shows off your neckline. Others may notice that you look better refreshed.

Neck contouring can help address signs of aging on the neck, achieving many common goals:

  • Reduce excess fat beneath the chin
  • Remove excess skin to eliminate a “turkey neck”
  • Refine the contours of a jawline that lacks definition
  • Smooth and tighten loose, heavily wrinkled skin on the neck and jowls
Lower face and neck lift with Asheville plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Conway

Choosing Dr. Conway for your Asheville neck lift procedure

Asheville plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Conway

Dr. Conway finds facial cosmetic surgery very rewarding, as he is able to help patients enjoy a renewed confidence in their appearance. As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Conway has a thorough understanding of facial anatomy and an intuitive sense of proportion, detail and symmetry. His precision and artistic talent as a medical illustrator are evident in his patients’ naturally appealing results, while his caring and attentive nature help him achieve the specific improvements a patient desires.

Neck Lift vs. Neck Liposuction

While both are used to help restore a smoother, better defined neck and jawline, a neck lift is a very different procedure than neck liposuction. Which is more appropriate for a patient depends on the nature of a patient’s concern.

Neck lift surgery is typically needed if…

  • Skin is noticeably loose and sagging
  • Underlying muscles need to be tightened
  • You are bothered by heavily wrinkled skin or neck bands

Neck liposuction may be a good option if…

  • You are bothered by excess fat under the chin
  • Skin has good elasticity and contracts well
Before and after neck lift surgery

About the neck lift procedure

Your neck lift surgery takes place in our private, AAAASF accredited surgery suite, located next to our office. Depending on the extent of the procedure, Dr. Conway may use local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia; the latter two are provided by a board certified MD anesthesiologist.

If you are having a neck lift, Dr. Conway will begin by making small incisions around the natural creases of the ear and/or beneath the chin. Through these incisions, he will tighten lax neck muscles if needed, and remove excess, sagging skin. Remaining skin is lifted and tightened to restore a smoother, more youthful appearance to the neck. Incisions are closed with sutures and bandaged. A neck lift is a standard part of a facelift, but can also be performed as a single procedure.

Neck liposuction typically requires only a small incision beneath the chin. Using a small cannula (liposuction tube), Dr. Conway will loosen and remove excess fat cells, sculpting a more naturally defined shape to the chin. Following liposuction, a compression sleeve may be placed around the chin.

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Neck lift recovery

Immediately after surgery, your neck will feel tight and sore. Dr. Conway will prescribe pain medication to help you manage post-operative discomfort. Bruising and swelling are typical after a neck lift, and will gradually subside 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. You will be encouraged to get up and walk around the same day as surgery, but will need to mostly rest for the first 2 to 3 days.

Most patients can return to light daily activities within 1 to 2 weeks after a neck lift or neck liposuction, although this varies depending on the extent of your procedure. If you are also having a facelift, brow lift, or eyelid surgery, recovery may take a little longer. Dr. Conway will provide you with detailed instructions regarding your recovery.

Before and after a lower facelift and neck life with Asheville plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Conway

Long-lasting results after neck lift surgery

A neck lift can achieve dramatic improvements in appearance that last for many years. With excess, sagging skin and/or fat gone, a neck lift helps to “rewind the clock” on facial aging. You can help your results continue to look their best by adopting a quality skincare regime and maintaining a stable weight.

Are you interested in learning more about neck contouring in Asheville? Please contact us for a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Conway. He will be glad to help you understand your options. In addition to neck lifts, Dr. Conway performs a variety of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for men and women, including breast augmentation with implantsbreast liftbreast reductionmale breast reductiontummy tuckliposuctionpost weight loss body liftcheek and chin implantsrhinoplastyfacelift and brow lift.

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Call Dr. Conway today for your personal consultation 828.210.9333