Post Weight Loss Body Lift in Asheville

Post Weight Loss Body Contouring & Skin Removal Surgery

While a person’s body size shrinks with massive weight loss, more often than not, the skin cannot contract to the new, slimmer contours. Excess, hanging skin can be unsightly to an individual, but even more, it can be uncomfortable. If you are bothered by excess, sagging skin on your body, a body lift can help.

Before and after body lift Dr. Donald Conway

Post weight loss body lifting surgery removes excess, sagging skin from the arms, legs, or torso and reshapes the area to restore a smoother, more aesthetically appealing contour and relieve the discomfort that comes from having skin folds.

Am I a good candidate for a body lift?

Body lifting surgery is intended for patients who are bothered by excess, sagging skin and stretched tissues on the body. It is not a weight loss procedure, nor will it remove a significant amount of fat. A body lift may be a good option if:

  • You have reached and maintained your goal weight for at least 6 months
  • You are a healthy non-smoker
  • Excess skin is causing you physical or emotional discomfort
  • You understand and accept that body lift incisions will leave scars

Choosing Dr. Conway as Your Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Donald Conway

Body lifting is a complex surgery that requires an experienced surgeon with the skills needed to safely and effectively achieve your desired results. Asheville plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Conway is board certified in plastic surgery, and he has worked with post weight loss patients for more than 20 years. He finds body lift surgery particularly rewarding, as he sees the dramatic improvements in comfort and confidence his patients experience.

Dr. Conway approaches body lift procedures as both restorative and aesthetic. He applies his background as a medical illustrator, along with extensive surgical skills and expertise, to achieve naturally appealing improvements in body contour while prioritizing a patient’s safety and well-being.

Excess skin removal from abdomen
  • Removal of Excess Skin: A body lift effectively removes sagging skin and fat, significantly improving the overall contour and shape of the body.
  • Reduction in Skin Infections: Removing folds of excess skin reduces areas where moisture and bacteria can accumulate, thereby decreasing the risk of skin infections.
  • Facilitates Physical Activity: With the removal of excess skin, many find it easier and more enjoyable to engage in physical activity, supporting a healthier lifestyle.
  • Customized Results: A body lift can be tailored to address specific areas of concern, ensuring that the results meet the individual’s aesthetic goals.
  • Long-Lasting Results: When accompanied by a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle, the results of a body lift can be long-lasting, providing enduring benefits.
  • Anesthesia: Medication used to prevent pain during surgery; can be local anesthesia, regional, or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure.
  • Belt Lipectomy: Also known as a lower body lift, this procedure focuses on removing excess skin and fat around the waistline, hips, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Body Contouring: A series of procedures aimed at reshaping and refining the contours of the body, often after significant weight loss.
  • Body Lift: A cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat from various parts of the body, typically including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and back, to create a more toned and cohesive appearance.
  • Brachioplasty: A surgical procedure, also known as an arm lift, that removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms.
  • Cellulite: A condition characterized by lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and belly, often unaffected by weight loss and not directly addressed by a body lift.
  • Drains: Tubes placed during surgery to remove excess fluid and reduce swelling in the surgical area, often used in body lift procedures.
  • Incision: A surgical cut made by the surgeon to remove skin and fat; the location and length depend on the extent of the body lift.
  • Lower Body Lift: A procedure that focuses on the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks, removing excess skin and fat to improve body contours.
  • Massive Weight Loss: Significant reduction in body weight, often through diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery, which may result in excess, sagging skin that can be addressed with body lift surgery.
  • Panniculectomy: A surgical procedure that removes the pannus—excess skin and fat hanging from the abdomen—but without the muscle tightening involved in an abdominoplasty.
  • Recovery Time: The period after surgery during which the body heals; this varies among individuals and depends on the extent of the body lift.
  • Semaglutide: A medication used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity; while it can significantly aid in weight loss, it may lead to excess skin that could require surgical removal.
  • Skin Elasticity: The skin’s ability to stretch and return to its original state; decreased elasticity due to aging or significant weight loss is a common reason for seeking a body lift.
  • Thigh Lift: A cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the inner or outer thighs to improve their shape and contour.
  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): A surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles; often part of a lower body lift.

Body Lift Options in Asheville

A body lift is not one specific procedure, but rather an operation tailored to a patient’s anatomy and goals. A post weight loss body lift can be limited to removing excess skin only on the upper arms, or it can be as extensive as removing skin and lifting tissues around the entire torso and lower body. Dr. Conway tailors the procedure plan to your needs. Your Asheville post weight loss skin removal surgery may include one or more of the following procedures to treat several areas.

Tummy Tuck

Patient Gallery Patient Gallery » See Tummy Tuck results

Significant weight loss can often leave the abdominal muscles and skin to appear stretched and sagging. A tummy tuck addresses these issues, repairing connective tissue to tighten the abdominal muscles and removing excess, sagging skin on the belly. The goal is to restore a flatter, smoother shape to the midsection.

Many post weight loss patients benefit from an extended tummy tuck, which addresses sagging skin and lax muscles on the upper and lower abdomen. While an extended tummy tuck requires a longer incision than a traditional tummy tuck, it also creates dramatic improvement in abdominal shape.

Before and after thigh and buttock body lift with Dr. Donald Conway

Thigh & Buttock Lift

If you once carried excess weight in your lower body, you may now have loose skin gathered around your buttocks or thighs. You may feel self-conscious wearing shorts or swimsuits, and many even have a hard time finding jeans or pants that fit comfortably. Thigh lift and buttock lift surgery address sagging tissues on the lower body to remove burdensome excess skin and lift underlying tissues into a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing position.

Incisions for a thigh lift or buttock lift procedure depend on the extent of surgery as well as how the sagging skin is distributed. Whenever possible, Dr. Conway places incisions within the natural folds of the body, so resulting scars will be as inconspicuous to others as possible.

Upper Arm Lift

Patient Gallery Patient Gallery » See Upper Arm Lift results

An upper arm lift (brachioplasty) eliminates hanging, loose skin (sometimes called “bat wings”) from the upper arms to restore a smoother, slimmer and firmer appearance to the arms. Dr. Conway makes an incision on the underside of the upper arm, removes excess skin, and tightens sagging tissues. Dr. Conway will discuss your preference in location for the scars.

Before and after upper arm lift with Dr. Conway in Asheville

Circumferential Body Lift

Patients who have a significant amount of loose, hanging skin around the torso may benefit from a circumferential body lift, which removes excess skin and tissues around the circumference of the abdomen and lower body. This is the most extensive body lifting procedure, and requires a more lengthy recovery than other, less dramatic procedures.

A circumferential body lift involves an incision running around the lower abdomen, just above the hip bones. While the resulting scar will be a long, thin line running around your body, Dr. Conway takes care to place incisions as low as possible so you can conceal the scar beneath most clothing.

Body Lift Surgery & Recovery

Since Dr. Conway tailors a post weight loss body lift to each patient’s needs, the surgery and recovery process can vary significantly from patient to patient. Dr. Conway performs the body lift procedure in our fully-accredited, on-site private surgery suite, which is equipped to hospital standards. General anesthesia is provided by our our experienced anesthesiology team, led by a board certified MD anesthesiologist. More extensive procedures may require an overnight stay in our surgery recovery room or in the hospital.

Recovery timelines and restrictions vary depending on the individual and the procedures performed. If you are only having an upper arm lift, you may be able to return to light activity and desk work within 1 week after your procedure. Extended tummy tucks and circumferential body lifts often require 2 to 4 weeks away from activity other than light walking. Dr. Conway will provide detailed instructions at your consultation.

Life After Skin Removal Surgery

A body lift can be a rewarding procedure to help you better enjoy the benefits of your weight loss and live free from the burden of excess skin. To ensure your scars heal as neatly and inconspicuously as possible, it is important to follow Dr. Conway’s recovery instructions and keep your scars protected from the sun after your procedure.

Results after post weight loss body lift surgery are intended to last for many years, and they should, so as long as you maintain a stable weight. Future weight fluctuations or pregnancy are likely to alter some of the improvements made after a body lift, so if you are planning to become pregnant in the future, be sure to talk to Dr. Conway about your goals. Additionally, nothing can stop the natural aging process, and over the years you may notice an increase in skin laxity.

Side view of before and results after body lift surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will my surgery cost?

The cost of post weight loss body lift surgery can vary significantly depending the extent of the procedure and whether or not additional treatments are required needed to achieve patients goals. Additional costs may include anesthesia, hospital or surgical facility costs, medical tests, post-surgery garments, and medications. We provide financing options which offer flexible, low-interest plans that are designed especially to make plastic surgery procedures more accessible and affordable for all.

Will insurance cover my excess skin removal?

Whether insurance covers your excess skin removal surgery can depend on your insurance provider and the specific terms of your policy. In general, insurance companies consider skin removal surgery to be a cosmetic surgery procedure, which they typically don’t cover. However, if you can prove that the excess skin is causing significant health problems such as chronic skin infections, discomfort, or mobility issues, your insurance company may consider it a medically necessary procedure and provide coverage. Please contact your insurance company directly to understand what they will or will not cover and what documentation they might require.

Learn More Today

If you have additional questions about body lift or skin removal surgery in Asheville, please contact us online or give us a call to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Conway. He will be glad to sit down with you and discuss your questions and concerns, as well as provide more information, patient resources, and before and after photos to help educate you on your options.

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Call Dr. Conway today for your personal consultation 828.210.9333